Compton' Encyclopedia 2000 Program Disc by Broderbund CD for Winows
SKU: 838433011563
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- Encyclopedia 2000 is an interactive resource for students and parents.
- It features new pictures, articles, and interactive journeys.
- Includes the Exploratorium interactive science activities, 360° IPIX views, and over 1,000 new and revised articles.
- Provides the most current and up-to-date information, including recent events.
- Offers free monthly updates via the internet through June 2000.
- Features a planetarium, multimedia explorations, a web link directory, detailed atlases, and more.
System Requirements:
- Platform: Windows 95/98
- Media: CD-ROM
- CPU: 486/66Mhz or better
- RAM: 16MB
- Hard Drive: 15MB
- Video: Super VGA (640x480x256 color)
- CD-ROM: 2X or better
- Sound: Windows compliant sound device
- Other: Mouse, Printer (optional), modem (required for online features only)
- Published by BPB Multimedia
- Powered by Compton's Interact...
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