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SKU: 8904131130693

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  • Description

    Money. Power. Respect - Undefeated. Undisputed. Un-freaking'-touchable. You are the Heavyweight Champion of the world. You've earned the right to strut your stuff, because when it comes time to put up or shut up, nobody does it better. So go ahead: Cop the clothes. Rock the cars. Flaunt the jewels. Live large, and never look back. The ladies love it. The fans demand it. As soon as you step inside the ring, boom: it's all over. And some poor chump's gonna hear all about it when he wakes up the next morning with a headache the size of Kentucky.

    FIRST-PERSON FIGHTING - Get up close and personal with XX of the globe's top-ranked contenders. For the first time ever, you'll see what it's like to rearrange rivals' faces with a flurry of jabs, punches and uppercuts from a boxer's perspective. Over-the-shoulder and landscape views also available.

    REVOLUTIONARY CONTROLS - Patent-pending SimuPunch swing system makes you the star! M...

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